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Publications in peer-reviewed journals


  1. Shoshany M, Svoray T, Curran P, Foody G, Perevolotsky A, 2000. The relationship between ERS-2 SAR backscatter and soil moisture: generalization from a humid to semi-arid transect. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 21, pp. 2337-2343.                                                      2001

  2. Svoray T, Shoshany M, Curran P, Foody G, Perevolotsky A, 2001. Relationship between green leaf biomass volumetric density and ERS-2 SAR backscatter of four vegetation formations in the semi-arid zone of Israel. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 22, pp.1601-1607.                  2002

  3. Shoshany M, Svoray T, 2002. Multidate adaptive unmixing and its application to analysis of ecosystem transitions along a climatic gradient. Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 82, pp.5-20.

  4. Svoray T, 2002. The current status of GI approaches in human geography: A review of  mainstream journals. Geography Research Forum, vol. 22, pp. 4-22.

  5. Svoray T, and Shoshany M, 2002. SAR-based estimation of areal aboveground biomass (AAB) of herbaceous vegetation in the semi-arid zone: a modification of the water-cloud model. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 23, pp. 4089-4100.                                                                            2003

  6.  Svoray T, Shoshany M, Perevolotsky A, 2003. Monitoring the response of spatially complex vegetation formations to human intervention: A case study from Mediterranean rangelands. Journal of Mediterranean Ecology, vol. 4, pp. 3-12.

  7. Svoray T, and Shoshany M, 2003. Herbaceous biomass retrieval in habitats of complex composition: A model merging SAR images with unmixed landsat TM data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.41, pp. 1592-1601.                                                                                                2004

  8. Svoray T, 2004. Integrating automatically processed SPOT HRV Pan imagery in a DEM-based procedure for channel network extraction. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 25, pp.3541-3547.

  9. Svoray T, Shoshany M, 2004. Multi-scale analysis of intrinsic soil factors from SAR-based mapping of drying rates. Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 92, pp.233-246.

  10. Svoray T, Bar-Yamin Gancharski S, Henkin Z, Gutman M, 2004. Assessment of herbaceous plant habitats in water-constrained environments: Predicting indirect effects with fuzzy logic. Ecological Modelling, vol. 180, pp.537-556.                                                                                                             2005

  11. Svoray T, Bar [Kutiel] P, Bannet T, 2005. Urban land-use allocation in a Mediterranean Ecotone: Habitat Heterogeneity Model incorporated in a GIS using multi-criteria mechanism. Landscape and Urban Planning, vol. 72/4, pp. 337-351.   

  12. Svoray T, Carmel Y, 2005. Empirical method for topographic correction in aerial photographs. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 2, pp. 211-215.

  13. Volcani A, Karnieli A, Svoray T, 2005. The use of remote sensing and GIS for spatio-temporal analysis of the physiological state of a semi-arid forest with respect to drought years. Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 215, pp. 239-250.                                                                                                2007

  14. Arnon A, Ungar ED, Svoray T, Shachak M, Blankman J, Perevolotsky A, 2007. The application of remote sensing to study shrub–herbaceous relations at a high spatial resolution. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, vol. 55, pp. 73-82.

  15. Svoray T, Mazor S, Bar P, 2007. How is shrub cover related to soil moisture and patch geometry in the fragmented landscape of the Northern Negev desert? Landscape Ecology, vol. 22, pp. 105-116.                                                                                                                                                                  2008

  16. Ackermann O, Svoray T, Haiman M. 2008. Nari (calcrete) outcrop contribution to ancient agricultural terraces in the Southern Shephelah, Israel: insights from digital terrain analysis and a geoarchaeological field survey. Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 35, pp. 930-941.

  17. Karnieli A, Gilead U, Poznet M, Svoray T, Mirzadinov R, Fedorina O, 2008. Assessing land-cover change and degradation in the Central Asian deserts using satellite image processing and geostatistical methods. Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 72, pp. 2093-2105.

  18. Svoray T, Karnieli A, Dedieu G, 2008. Satellite evidence of a topographic sink-source system in a small semiarid watershed. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 29, pp. 609-616.

  19. Cohen S, Svoray T, Laronne JB, Alexandrov Y, 2008. Fuzzy-based dynamic soil erosion model (FuDSEM): Modelling approach and preliminary evaluation. Journal of Hydrology, vol. 356/1-2, pp. 185-198.

  20. Svoray T, Shafran-Nathan R, Henkin Z, Perevolotsky A, 2008. Spatially and temporally explicit modeling of conditions for primary production of annuals in dry environments. Ecological Modelling, vol. 218, pp. 339-353.                                                                                                                                   2009

  21. Stern E, Gudes O, Svoray T, 2009. Web-Based and Traditional Public Participation in Comprehensive Planning: A Comparative Study. Environment and Planning B-Planning & Design, vol. 36, pp. 1067-1085.

  22. Svoray T, Benenson I, 2009. Scale and adequacy of environmental microsimulation. Ecological Complexity, vol. 6, pp. 77-79.

  23.  Svoray T, Markovitch H, 2009. Catchment scale analysis of the effect of topography, tillage direction and unpaved roads on ephemeral gully incision. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 34, pp. 1970-1984.                                                                                                                                      2010

  24. Bowman D, Svoray T, Devora S, Shapira I, Laronne J. 2010. Extreme rates of channel incision and shape evolution in response to a continuous, rapid base-level fall, the Dead Sea, Israel. Geomorphology.  vol. 114, pp. 227-237.

  25. Winter R, Svoray T, Gilead I, 2010. Settlement patterns, social complexity and agricultural strategy during the Chalcolithic period in the Northern Negev, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science.  vol. 37, pp. 284-294.

  26. Svoray T, Ben-said S, 2010. Soil loss, water ponding and sediment deposition variations as a consequence of rainfall intensity and land use: a multi-criteria analysis. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. vol. 35, pp. 202-216.                                                                                                                  2011

  27. Livne E, Svoray T, 2011. Components of uncertainty in primary production model: The study of DEM, classification and location error. International Journal of   Geographic Information Science. Vol. 25, pp. 473-488.                                                                                                                          

  28. Svoray T, KarnieliA, 2011. Rainfall, topography, and primary production relationships in a semiarid ecosystem. Ecohydrology. vol. 4, pp. 56-66.

  29. Bowman D. Devora S. Svoray T, 2011. Drainage organization on the newly emerged Dead Sea bed, Israel. Quaternary International. vol. 233, pp. 53-60.

  30. Storz-Peretz Y, Bowman D, Laronne JB, Svoray T, 2011. Rapid incision of a small, coarse and steep fan-delta in response to base-level fall: the case of Nahal Qedem, the Dead Sea, Israel. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. vol. 36, pp. 467-480.

  31.  Hargil D, Bonfil D, Svoray T, 2011. Multi Scale Analysis of the Factors Influencing Wheat Quality as Determined by Gluten Index. Field Crops Research. vol. 123, pp. 1-9.

  32.  Arnon A, Svoray T, Ungar ED, 2011. The spatial dimension of pastoral herding: a case study from the Northern Negev. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution.  Vol. 57   pp. 129-149.                                                                                                                                                                                                           2012

  33.  Svoray T, Michailov E, Cohen A, Rokach L, Sturm A, 2012. Predicting gully initiation: Comparing data mining techniques, analytical hierarchy processes and the topographic threshold. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. vol. 37, pp. 607–619.

  34. Sela S, Svoray T, Assouline S, 2012. Soil water content variability at the hillslope scale: Impact of surface sealing. Water Resources Research. vol. 48, pp. 1-14. W03522, doi:10.1029/2011WR011297.

  35. Winter R, Svoray T, Gilead I, 2012. Secondary burial cemeteries, visibility and land tenure: a view from the southern Levant Chalcolithic period. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.  vol. 31, pp. 423-438.

  36. Rubinstein Y, Yizhaq H, Groner E, Svoray T, Bar P, 2012. An eco-spatial index for evaluating stabilization state of sand dunes. Aeolian Research. vol. 9, pp. 75-87.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2013

  37.  Shafran-Nathan R, Svoray T, Perevolotsky A, 2013. The resilience of annual vegetation primary production subjected to different climate change scenarios. Climatic Change. vol. 118, pp. 227-243.

  38.   Winter-Livneh R, Svoray T, Gilead I, 2013. Shape Reproducibility and architectural symmetry during the Chalcolithic period in the southern Levant. Journal of Archaeological Science. Vol. 40, pp. 1340-1353.

  39. Ackermann, Zhevelev HM, Svoray T, 2013. Sarcopoterium spinosum from mosaic structure to matrix structure: Impact of calcrete (Nari) on vegetation in a Mediterranean semi-arid landscape. Catena. Vol. 101, pp. 79-91.

  40.  Shafran-Nathan R, Svoray T, Perevolotsky A, 2013. Continuous droughts effect on herbaceous vegetation cover and productivity in rangelands: Results from close-range photography and spatial analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing. vol. 34:17, pp.6263-6281.

  41.  Svoray T, Perevolotsky A, Atkinson PM, 2013. Ecological sustainability in rangelands: the contribution of remote sensing. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 34:17, pp. 6216-6242.   

  42.  Svoray T, Atkinson PM, 2013. Geoinformatics and Water-Erosion Processes. Geomorphology. vol. 183, pp. 1-4.

  43.   ChenI L, Sela S, Svoray T, Assouline S, 2013. The role of soil-surface sealing, microtopography and vegetation patches in rainfall-runoff processes in semiarid areas. Water Resources Research. vol. 49, pp. 5585-5599.

  44.  Dorman M, Svoray T, Perevolotsky A, Sarris D, 2013. Forest performance during two consecutive drought periods: Diverging long-term trends and short-term responses along a climatic gradient. Forest Ecology and Management. Vol. 310,  pp. 1-9.

  45. Dorman M, Svoray T, Perevolotsky A, 2013. Homogenization in forest performance across an environmental gradient - The interplay between rainfall and radiation.  Forest Ecology and Management. Vol. 310, pp. 256-266.                                                                                                                           2014

  46. Thompson, S.E., S. Assouline, L. Chen, A. Trahktenbrot, T. Svoray, and G. G. Katul, 2014. Secondary dispersal driven by overland flow in drylands: Review and mechanistic model development. Movement Ecology. Vol. 2:7  doi:10.1186/2051-3933-2-7.    

  47. Yizhaq, H., Sela, S. Svoray T. Assouline S. Bell, G, 2014. Effects of heterogeneous soil-water diffusivity on vegetation pattern formation. Water Resources Research. Vol. 50/7 pp. 5743–5758. DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015362.

  48. Sela, S., Svoray, T., Assouline, S. 2014. Temporal soil water content variability at the hillslope scale in dry environments: from single rainfall events to long term dynamics. Journal of Arid Environments, Vol. 112, pp. 64-74.

  49. Sela, S., Svoray, T., Assouline, S., 2014. Validation of remotely sensed soil-moisture predictions: Effect of soil surface sealing. Remote Sensing. Vol. 6(8), pp. 7469-7490. doi:10.3390/rs6087469.                                                                                                                                                                                   2015

  50. Dorman M, Svoray T., Perevolotsky A, Moshe, I., Sarris, D., 2015. What determines tree mortality in dry environments? a multi-perspective approach. Ecological Applications, Vol. 25(4), pp. 1054–1071.

  51. Dorman M, Perevolotsky A, Sarris, D., Svoray T., 2015. The effect of rainfall and competition intensity on forest response to drought: Lessons learned from a dry extreme. Oecologia, Vol. 177 (4), 1025-1038. DOI 10.1007/s00442-015-3229-2.

  52. Svoray, T., Levi, R., Zaidenberg, R., Yaacoby, B. 2015. The effect of cultivation method on erosion in agricultural catchments: Integrating AHP in GIS environments. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol. 40, 711-725. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3661.

  53.  Cohen, S., Willgoose, G., Svoray, T., Hancock, G., Sela, S., 2015. Sediment-transport control on Aeolian-dominated soil distribution: New insights using numerical simulations of soil-landscape evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, Vol. 120/2, 260-274.

  54. Dorman, M. Perevolotsky, A. Sarris, D. Svoray, T., 2015. Amount vs. temporal pattern: On the importance of intra-annual climatic conditions on tree growth in a dry environment. Journal of Arid Environments, Vol. 118, 65-68.

  55. Bonfil, D., Abbo, S., Svoray, T., 2015. Sowing Date and Wheat Quality as Determined by Gluten Index. Crop Science, Vol. 55, 2294-2306. doi:10.2135/cropsci2014.08.0562.  

  56. Svoray, T. Hassid, I. Atkinson, PM. Moebius-Clune, BN, van Es, HM. 2015. Mapping soil quality over large agriculturally-important areas.  Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 79, 1420-1434. doi:10.2136/sssaj2014.09.0371.

  57.  Sela, S., Svoray, T., Assouline, S.  2015. The effect of soil surface sealing on vegetation  water uptake along a dry climatic gradient. Water Resources Research, 51, doi:10.1002/2015WR017109.

  58.  Assouline, S., Thompson, S., Chen, L., Svoray, T. Sela, S. Katul, G.G. 2015. The duality of soil crusts in desertification. J. of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, Vol. 120, doi: 10.1002/2015JG003185.

  59.  Svoray, T., Assouline, S., Katul, G. G., 2015. Introduction to Special Section on Eco-hydrology of Semiarid Environments: Confronting Mathematical Models with Ecosystem Complexity. Water Resources Research, Water Resources Research 51 (11), 8677-8683.  doi:10.1002/2015WR018131.                                                                                                                                                                                                               2016

  60.  Chen, L., Sela, S., Svoray, T., and Assouline,S. 2016. Scale dependence of Hortonian rainfall-runoff processes in a semiarid environment. Water Resources Research, 52:51495166.                                                                                                                                                                                                       2017

  61. Cohen, S., Svoray, T., Sela, S., Hancock, G,. and Willgoose, g. 2017. Soilscape evolution of Aeolian- dominated hillslopes during the Holocene: Investigation of sediment transport mechanisms and climatic-anthropogenic drivers.  Earth Surface Dynamics Discus. dio:10.5149/esurf-2016-4.

  62. Hoober, D., Svoray, T., and Cohen, S. 2017. Using a landform evolution model to study ephemeral gullying in agricultural fields: The effects of rainfall patterns on ephemeral gully dynamics. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. doi:10.1002/esp.4090.

  63. Vatenmacher, M., Isaac S., Svoray, T. 2017. Resource constrained information management: Providing governments with information for earthquake preparedness. Environmental Management. doi: 10.1007/ s00267-017-0828-1.

  64. Ackermann, O., Maeir, A., Frumin, S., Svoray, T., Weiss, E., Zhevelev, H., Kolska, L.,: 2017. The Paleo-Anthropocene of the Eastern Mediterranean: Investigating the Genesis of the Current Landscape of Israel. Journal of Landscape Ecology, 10, 3,  109–140.                                                                       2018

  65. Svoray, T. M. Dorman, G. Shahar, I. Kloog 2018. Demonstrating the effect of exposure to nature on happy facial expressions via flickr data: Advantages of non-intrusive social network data analyses and geoinformatics methodologies. J. of Env. Psychology 58, 93-100.

  66. Rinot, O.,  Levy, R. J.,  Steinberger, Y., Svoray, T., Eshel, G., 2018. Soil health assessment: A critical review of current methodologies and a proposed new approach. Science of the Total Environment doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.259.

  67. Dubinin, V., Svoray, T., Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., 2018. Detecting biodiversity refugia using remotely sensed data. Landscape Ecology.

  68. Ackermann, O., Zhevelev, H., Svoray, T., 2018. Agricultural Systems and Terrace Pattern Distribution and Preservation Along Climatic Gradient: From Sub-humid Mediterranean to Arid Conditions. Quaternary International.                                         2019         

  69. Miller, O., Helman, D., Svoray, T., Morin, E., Bonfil, D., 2019. Explicit wheat production model adjusted for semi-arid environments. Field Crops Research, 231, 93-104.                    

  70. Bruins, H.J., Bithan-Guedj, H., Svoray, T., 2019. GIS-based hydrological modelling to assess runoff yields in ancient-agricultural terraced wadi fields (central Negev desert). Journal of Arid Environments, 166, 91-107.                                                 2020 

  71. Silver, M., Svoray, T., Karnieli, A., Fredj, E., 2020. Improving Weather Radar Precipitation Maps: A Fuzzy Logic Approach. Atmospheric Research 234, 104710 

  72. Dorman, M., Svoray, T., Kloog, I., 2020. How does socio-economic and demographic dissimilarity determine physical and virtual segregation? Journal of Spatial Information Science 21, doi:10.5311/JOSIS.2020.21.587.                                                                                                            2021

  73. Dubinin, V., Svoray, T., Stavi, I., Yizhaq, H., 2021. Using LANDSAT 8 and VENμS data to study the effect of geodiversity on soil moisture dynamics in a semiarid shrubland. Remote Sensing, 12, 3377; doi:10.3390/rs12203377.  

  74. Dubinin, V., Stavi, I., Svoray, T., Dorman, M., Yizhaq, H., 2021. Hillslope geodiversity improves the resistance of shrubs to prolonged droughts in semiarid ecosystems. Journal of Arid Environments, 188, 104462. 

  75. Danino, D., Svoray, T., Thompson, S., Cohen, A., Crompton, O., Volk, E., Argaman, E., Levi, A., Cohen, Y., Narkis, K.,  Assouline, S., 2021. Quantifying shallow overland flow under laboratory rainfall simulations using thermal and LiDAR imagery. Water Resources Research. 57, 3, e2020WR028857.

  76. Simchon, A., Leibman, C., Svoray, T., Dorman, M., Kloog, I., Gilead, M., 2021. Beyond doubt in a dangerous world: The effect of existential threats on the expression of certainty in societal discourse. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 97, 104221.

  77. Ackermann, O., Zhevlev, H. M., Svoray, T., 2021. The physical pattern structure and vegetation component distributionin a sub-humid ecohydrological system. Negev, Dead Sea and Arava Studies 13 (2), 54– 61.

  78. Svoray, T., Sela, S., Chen, L., Assouline, S., 2021. Lateral flow and contributing area control vegetation cover in a semiarid environment. Water Resources Research [Paper #2021WR030998R],                                                                                                        2022 

  79. Svoray, T., 2022. A Geoinformatics Approach to Water Erosion: Soil Loss and Beyond. Springer-Nature, ISBN 978-3-030-91535-3. 

  80. Nahlieli, A., Svoray, T., Argaman, E., 2022. Piping formation and distribution in the semi-arid Northern Negev environment: A new conceptual model. Catena, Volume 213, 106201.  

  81. Svoray, T., Dorman, M., Abu-kaf, S., Shahar, G., Gifford, R., 2022. Nature and Happiness in an Individualist and a Collectivist Culture. Scientific Reports. 12, 7701.

  82. Vatenmacher, M., Svoray, T., Tsesarsky, M., Isaac, S., 2022. Performance-driven Vulnerability Analysis of Infrastructure Systems. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Volume 76, 15 June 2022, 103031. 

  83. Steinberger, Y., Stein, A., Dorman, M. et al., 2022. A sensitive soil biological indicator to changes in land-use in regions with Mediterranean climate. Scientific Reports. 12, 22216 2022.                                                                                                         2023

  84. Nahlieli, A., Svoray, T., Argaman, E., 2023. Mapping areas prone to piping using random forest with key explanatory variables. Geoderma, 

  85. Blushtein-Livnon, R., Svoray, T., Dorman, M., Van der Beek, K., 2023. Economic aspects of urban greenness along a dryland rainfall gradient: A time series analysis. Urban  Forestry & Urban Greening, 83, 127915.    

  86. Assouline, S., Kamai, T., Svoray, T., Narkis, K., 2023. Understanding the dynamics of evaporation from stony soils via laboratory experiments and numerical modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 622, 129708. 

  87. Veuillen, L. et al. 2023. Pre- and post-drought conditions drive resilience of Pinus halepensis across its distribution range. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 339, 15 August 2023, 109577

  88. Refaeli, O., Nahlieli, A., Svoray, T. 2023. Dynamics of subsurface soil erosion in a semiarid region: a time-series study of sinkhole area and morphology. Catena, Volume 233, December 2023. 107511                                                                       2024 

  89. Assouline, S., Sela, S., Dorman, M., Svoray, T. 2024. Runoff generation in a semiarid environment: The role of rainstorm intra-event temporal variability and antecedent soil moisture. Advances in Water Resources, 188, 104715. 

  90. Assouline, S., Sela, S., Dorman, M., Svoray, T., Selker, J. 2024. A simple analytical method to estimate runoff generation and accumulation. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 644, November 2024, 132053.

  91. Sela, S., D. Achim, C. E. Cerri, Svoray, T., et al., 2024. Towards a unified approach to prioritization of regenerative agricultural practices across cropping systems, NPJ Sustainable Agriculture, 2, 24.                                                                                      2025

  92. Refaeli, O., T. Svoray, R. Blushtein-Livnon and A. Nahlieli, 2025. Solar Panels Segmentation in Remote Sensing Data Using Segment Anything Models 2 and 2.1, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2024.3522183. 

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